WildLife 4 Seasons Menu 4 kg
WildLife 4 Seasons Menu is a scatter feed suitable for all types of wild birds consisting of a tasty mixture of different seeds and grains.
WildLife 4 Seasons Menu 4 kg
WildLife 4 Seasons Menu is a scatter feed suitable for all types of wild birds consisting of a tasty mixture of different seeds and grains.
Using this varied scatter feed will attract more and different types of birds to your garden, making it livelier than ever! What’s more, you’ll be providing them with essential nutrients as well as helping vulnerable species. Reason enough to feed the birds in your garden WildLife 4 Seasons Menu.
Instructions for proper use:
suitable for all types of garden birds (sparrows, finches, blue tits, blackbirds, etc.)
feed in an open area in your garden, on the ground or with a bird feeder
Even more enjoyment guaranteed if you provide a source of clean, fresh water!